They're unabashedly and happily soaking in a king-size jacuzzi inside your head while whispering sweet nothing into your ears while you're in darkness. Darkness here is metaphoric and not literally in darkness, darkness of the heart, darkness of the mind. Congratulation to those who succeeded in draining out the foul water from the jacuzzi and slap their demon silly, you're a frigging strong individual! Ok A little abrupt but that's it, I must sleep. Until later =p May you find the light to your little darkness! Actually let me rephrase that, may I find the light to my darkness... and then you can find yours. Good night!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Without Kurayami, There is No Hikari
They're unabashedly and happily soaking in a king-size jacuzzi inside your head while whispering sweet nothing into your ears while you're in darkness. Darkness here is metaphoric and not literally in darkness, darkness of the heart, darkness of the mind. Congratulation to those who succeeded in draining out the foul water from the jacuzzi and slap their demon silly, you're a frigging strong individual! Ok A little abrupt but that's it, I must sleep. Until later =p May you find the light to your little darkness! Actually let me rephrase that, may I find the light to my darkness... and then you can find yours. Good night!
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
5/17/2012 01:51:00 AM
Angel Kisses
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Humans + Sentiments = Durian ?
Speaking bout' bad judgments, unwanted grapevines... In truth we can't really run away from all that, moreover prevent it. Whether you choose to stay quiet (& nod once in a while), be the clown & pretty much get involve in everything around you, or plainly ignores everyone.... you just can't escape.
Yes I'll be back with updates... soon...
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
6/16/2009 10:00:00 PM
1 Angel Kisses
Sunday, March 29, 2009
1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009
Event : 1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009
Date : 21st March 2009
Venue : Precinct 2, Putrajaya
Went there with Mr. Dino and we arrived at around 8 am, and the place was jampacked with people. Can't blame them coz it was on a weekend, moreover school holidays. My plan to RIDE on one of the Hot Air Balloons came crashing down after I saw the word 'SOLD OUT' on the small white board on the ticketing counter. T_T ~~~~ bohooooo So fast they sold out wei!
Below is the itinerary for that Saturday... according to their official website.
0700 - 0745 | Arrival of VIP / media / guests | |
| 0745 - 0800 | Official Launch of 1st Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2009 |
| 0745 - 0815 | Balloon area opened to photographers; Photo Op#1 |
| 0800 - 0900 | Balloon Fun Fly with VIPs |
| 0900 - 1000 | Para motor showcase |
| | Children Colouring Contest (aged 7-9), prize: hot air balloon ride with parents |
| 1000 - 1130 | Remote Control Flying Aircraft Display |
| | Children Colouring Contest (aged 10-12), prize: hot air balloon ride with parents |
| 1130 - 1200 | Paper Airplane Contest |
| 1400 - 1500 | Kite Flying Exhibition |
| 1500 - 1630 | Remote Control Flying Aircraft Display |
| 1630 - 1730 | Para motor showcase |
| 1730 - 1900 | Balloon Fun Fly |
| 1745 - 1815 | Balloon area opened to photographers; Photo Op#2 |
| 2030 - 2100 | Night Glow |

What movie you say? You wanna know what movie I've chosen? Oh God I can't believe I went to see this movie la... ok la... ok la... sometimes we have to support Malaysian product also la... but please la, if you want people to support Malaysian product, don't just make movie with much make up without substance! I've seen down to earth Malay dramas with more plots, logic and emotions. I don't know much about movie making but I do know that I am one of the many people out there who spend money willingly to go watch GOOD movie with PLOT! Heck, Samuel Rizal's even better in Eiffel I'm in Love. I feel I've been cheated somehow.. Aiyyo... this entry is supposedly about Hot Air Balloon lah! T_T pstt... the movie is Sayang!! You can dance.

As alwayz, credit goes to Mr. Dino for all the pix!
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
3/29/2009 12:00:00 AM
Angel Kisses
Labels: 2009, Events, Malaysia, Mino's Life, movie, OutDoorz
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Fast & Furious 4 is ON April 2

The Official site is HERE! If you're lookign for synopsis go there :p
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
3/25/2009 02:27:00 PM
Angel Kisses
Monday, March 23, 2009
Photoshop Tutorial : Lomo-fying your Image
Tutorial Source : How To Make Digital Photos Look Like Lomo Photography
Tis looks lomo to you? I'm not sure myself... hehe but I like how it turned out... oh well.
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
3/23/2009 01:12:00 AM
Angel Kisses
Labels: GraphX Play, Photoshop, Tutorial
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Where The Heck to get all that stuff?
This is just a re-publication of my previous entry in Friendster!. With a little bit of mod. Any dead links do inform me, sank u.
I’m currently using 2 kinds… yeah you can say I’m experimenting :p Used to start with just Bittorent! but that’s basic…. So i’m recommending these 2… check them out
- µTorrent - It’s called that just coz the files are uber small….
(Connection setting to '0' = Unlimited dun go hoggin' all the bandwidth :p)
There are others but these 2 usually ranked the highest…you can like make use of the search engine to find the rest :p After installing them… on to the torrents…
Anime- AnimeSuki - Popular Anime torrent site… I guess most haf heard of it
but they only have non-licensed ones. So torrents like Naruto r not there.
- TokyoTosho - My fav place to search for anime torrents!! and ugh… *cough* hentai *cough* (Other: Dorama,Manga, Raws = Unscanlated, unsubbed, undubbed stuff... )
- DB = Datebayo - this is where i get bleach and naruto
Movies/TV series
- Mini Nova - They don’t just have movies/Tv series here…lotssa other stuff including anime (though not that much), books, games, music, softwares…
- EZTV - This is where you get ur Heroes series! lol and a buch of others… there’s no way the torrents here r fake… just to be safe from Mini Nova :p
- D-Addicts - Hmm I think u gotta register first to download… won’t take long, they have soft subs, hard subs…
Direct Downloads / Streaming
- - this works uber fast fer me…
well at least for the latest series that is… they haf quite alot of em them… check them out! Now it seems that maybe you have to register. Their previous name was Misha Distrocity. Actually there r alot of direct download sites out there… it’s a matter of finding which one offer a decent enuff speed for us to leech from :p.. or you can go to this site and find the links… Anime Field
Movies / TV series
- Silent Regrets - They have Japanese, Korean, Taiwanese, Chinese Dorama & Movies!
- Idols-Unlimited - They have everything like the above …lol at the time I’m writting this…the website somehow isn’t there… O_o … but err maybe check back later ya… :p
- MySoju (Thanks to - c H i E n -) - You can stream your fav movies/doramas here!
ho ho ho… I lurv MIRC love em!! started with just chatting then…. DL DL DL mwuahaha *ehem*
Ok for the Client… Me use SysReset, Go and download the SysReset Full Installation pack and ugh u dun need the ori mirc client if u download this… and u can start downloading!!
- Run ur SysReset
- Connect to IRCHighway
- Register your nick first with this /msg NickServ REGISTER yourpassword

XDCCing - Let you search for xdcc files…and downlaod em…
For tutorial on how to download with MIRC go HERE!
Clubbox ni hanya leh dipakai di IE jek for now…mozilla tak leh rase nye. I’m just gonna direct you to a tutorial site… that will teach you everything from registering, installing to using the clubbox! Clubbox is in korean…so this tutorial will help guide you through everything Here’s the link…. or links…
A - Happyroach tutorial on Soompi - I learnt from this site… you haf to register first to view the tutorial alrite!
B - Info on Clubbox at D-Addicts - Check it out…
C - Additional Info at Wendy’s Clubbox tutorial
Published by...
Angel On Parole [Mino-Chan]
3/19/2009 05:07:00 PM
Angel Kisses
Labels: Download, Fun Stuff, InfoTaining, Tutorial